Sunday, 23 August 2015

Salzburg to Zell am See

The Lovell's arrived Thursday.

We missed the morning's bike ride because we slept in.  Rolled down on the bikes to where David and Justine are staying and arrived just as their taxi pulled up.  They looked fresher than we felt when we arrived - maybe you get more sleep in business class.

Left them to discover town and we went up the Salzach River.  Another great ride on smooth roads.  The rivers seem to run quickly and although you don't realise it the grade is probably 1-2%.  It is still easy riding tho' because there is little wind, no potholes and no sudden changes in grade.  Got to Berchtesgaden then climbed over the range into the Saalach River Valley, then home to Salzburg.  Still wasn't as straightforward as riding at home.  On and off bike paths, trying to pick the right minor road and a fair bit of traffic.

The Salzach River at Berchtesgaden.

On Friday we "Did" schtrudel, the Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg with the Lovells then went back up to Berchtesgaden with Dave.

Screamed back down the gentle slope to Salzburg - rolling along in the mid 40s with weight on.  Fifth fastest trip down this year and 13th fastest overall according to strava.  And some guy sat on, from Berchtesdagen to Grodig, didn't take a turn or offer to, then cruised past at the lights at Grodig without even a hi or a thanks.

Great feed in the main part of Salzburg.  Menu had all sorts of allergens highlighted so was an easy night - the kids were exhausted and slept through the food.

Packed up, put our luggage on a taxi Saturday morning with Justine and the kids, then headed to Zell am See on our bikes.

Shouldn't be too hard.  Downloaded course on the garmin.  Gentle, gradual uphill ride to Zell.  Or that was the idea.

Farted around the rich farmland on the bike paths around Salzburg for what seemed like hours before we finally found the Saalach River and head south west.  Didn't even get to Bad Reichenall before we needed coffee.

It was turning a three hour ride into lots longer and after the training week leading up to it, was a long day in the saddle.  Day off tomorrow.

The road to Zell am See

Zell am See

Cleverly missed one tunnel on the way and another as we were coming into Zell am See.  That explained how, when we put in the route, there were restricted access signs on google maps.  Didn't say why.  The tunnel coming in to Zell am See goes for several kilometres, keeping streams of traffic out of the narrow streets of the town.

Anyway we're here.  Ironman signs everywhere.  Tourists everywhere - lots of Arabs.

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